Me, Elsewhere


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Friday, May 29, 2015

From a Twenty-something Working Abroad

Let me start by saying I never expected or saw myself as working in another country. It's not the fear of being in someplace new that stops me. Rather, it is the chance to be close to the people that you love and the people that matter that made me want to stay in my home country, the Philippines. 

This realization came when my grandfather died. I was thankful that I had been there during the last moments wherein he was still conscious. I still remember the last thing he said that afternoon.

Time will always slip so fluidly from our hands without us realizing. I don't want to miss out on the important moments and milestones of the people I care for. 

But life is unpredictable. In every sunrise, a surprise is just waiting to unfold. In every sunset, a lesson is also wanting to be learned. Thus, this chapter of my story began.

Don't get me wrong, I am thankful that I'm working here. I was looking for growth and personal development. I also wanted to help and contribute more to our family. Here, I get to earn more than I did back in Cebu. 

It is not an exaggeration when I say, work is the only thing that keeps me running nowadays. It's true. When you're working in a foreign country, what you do is... you work. Point blank. I have a colleague who  told me, everything seems artificial because there will be a time when you'll be fed up and see how you don't belong here. You will always look back to that place you call home.

Yes shopping and all the other luxuries are within reach when you are abroad. There is lesser or even zero tax for some. But of course, you need to step back and hold yourself because you want to send more money back home.

My father is a seaman and now, I appreciate more than ever all those pasalubongs he had for us. It meant aside from his monthly remittances, with the money he's having for his time on the ship, instead of having it more for himself, he chose to buy and get us something we want.

Working away from your family is hard and when you hear of some news that concerns your family and/or your loved ones, it makes it even harder to be away.
Friends and workmates are here and ready to listen. But truly, you don't want to burden someone with your troubles. You just have to suck it up, go on and work. 

Prayers and faith are your allies. A weak spirit can never find strength in uncharted places. 

From a twentysomething working abroad, one last thing that I have to say is that be thankful of what you have because some are working and dreaming of what you are having right now.


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